The Nordic-Baltic Plant Phenotyping Network (NBPPN)
Welcome to the Nordic Baltic Plant Phenotyping Network (NBPPN).
Remote sensing and spectral analysis are revolutionizing many aspects of human society especially in agricultural systems. Crop phenotyping by remote sensing and spectral analysis is rapidly developing and is becoming increasingly relevant for agriculture and plant breeding. There is a clear need to keep both academic and private stakeholders Informed about the development and to share experiences and knowledge. That is what we want to do with a focus on the Nordic and Baltic countries in this network.
6P3 and NordPlant projects
This network stems from two previous projects: The Nordic Public-Private Partnership Plant Phenotyping Project (6P project), funded under the Nordic Public-Private Partnership program, and the Nord Plant project, supported by NordForsk, both concluded at the end of 2023. In both projects, we have conducted research and developed methodologies for phenotyping crop
plants to advance plant science and breeding plants with greater resilience to climate change through advanced sensing, data analysis, and modeling. We have developed fundamental research and research protocols and demonstrated platforms for interpreting collected sensor data and testing novel trait combinations. These achievements have been made possible through the combined expertise of academia, technology companies, and plant breeders.
The main accomplishments of the two projects include:
- Development of protocols for indoor and field phenotyplng using various sensing systems.
- Creation of digital tools and software for managing sensor data.
- Advancement In statistical techniques and the utilization of machine learning.
- Exploration of physiological Interpretations of data obtained from various sensing systems.
- Initiation of mechanistic modeling Involving genotype, environment, and management
Network activities In 2024-2026
- Handling and setting up management systems of large-scale phenotype data
- Education via workshops and courses in the Nordic countries around the possibilities of
using crop phenotyping both in industry and academia. - Building strong connections to European partners and similar initiatives
The NBPPN furthermore aims to function as a part of the international community of phenotyping networks.