NBPPN Workshop 2024
The 1st Annual NBPPN Workshop
The 1st annual NBPPN workshop was held on 21-22 November 2024 at Hotel Skansen, Sweden. Presentations from the workshop are available via the links below.
Download the program for the NBPPN workshop 2024 here.
Presentations from Thursday 21 November:
Official Welcome, Svend Christensen, KU, Denmark (Chairperson NBPPN)
“Artificial intelligence in plant phenotyping – towards end-to-end modelling”.Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, Professor and Chair of Artificial Intelligence, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
“Generative AI for plant identification and phenotyping- use case in Rangeland monitoring” Abozar Nasirahmadi, SLU, Sweden
”Realising the perennial vision – measurements and modelling” Adrian Gustafson, LU, Sweden
“Experiences from appliance of drones in practical research projects at Natural resources institute Finland" Dr Juho Hautsalo, Natural Resources Institute Finland
“European efforts for phenomics data management “ Sylvain Poque, University of Helsinki, National Plant Phenotyping Infrastructure
“Phenotyping of faba bean agronomical traits and disease classification based on RGB and multispectral cameras” Shirin Mohammadi, NMBU, Norway
“PheNo Overview" Morten Lillemo, NMBU, Norway
"On-the-go detection" Sahameh Shafiee, NMBU, Norway
“Freezing Tolerance in the Nordic-Baltic Region: A Vital Trait for the Survival of Overwintering Crops.” Rita Armonienė, Dr. Head of the Laboratory of genetic and Physiology, LAMMC, Lithuania
"Phenotyping of plants and its whole-community: who plays the crucial role in horticulture?” Birutė Frercks, Dr. Head of the Department of Orchard Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, LAMMC, Lithuania
Presentations from Friday 25 November:
"Computer vision for plant phenotyping: the Polyploidbreeding 4.0 project and the AGRI-VISION initiative" Filippo Biscarini, Senior Research Scientist, National Research Council (CNR), Milan (Italy)
"UAV remote sensing application in METK for phenotyping and crop monitoring: a brief overview of past challenges and future considerations” Ainar Härm, METK, Estonia
“Exploitation of agrometeorological data in crop breeding” Merko Kärp, METK, Estonia
“Reliability of Crop Height Estimations from UAV Imagery” Andreas Bergmann, KU, Denmark
"Assessment of the impact of drought stress on barley resistance against fungal pathogens by high-throughput multispectral, microscopic and physiological phenotyping” Chandana Pandey, KU, Denmark